Arc Glider

The Arc Glider is a small, plastic device that is attached to the face of the putter and allows the golfer to feel what the putter feels like when the putter face stays square to the arc. This is a great training aid for teaching the putting stroke to beginner golfers of all ages. They get an immediate feel for correct clubface alignment during the putting stroke. This is also a great teaching tool for the accomplished golfer who has a hard time of getting the feel of a putter face that is square to this/her arc or does not want to look at the putter face during the putting stroke.

Arc Glider

  • Brand:
  • Category: Golf
  • Availability: In Stock

The Arc Glider is the best way to ensure your putter face is truly perpendicular to the arc board you are using is to extend the flat surface area on the heel of the putter. This training tool holds the putter in place particularly for anyone who is struggling with rolling the hands or trying to guide the head too much vs. letting arms, shoulders and back guide the putter. Any face rotation is difficult and will immediately be noticed. What is nice is that, for today only, you can pick up your Arc Glider for a great price. Even nicer is that shipping will not cost you a dime. Soon, you too will be sharing the same successes of over 500 golf professionals who use our products. Improve your putting edge TODAY by purchasing this cost-effective device that teaches you the secrets of an 'ARC' like stroke.

  • Quantity

  • Features
  • Revolutionary New Face Alignment Tool
    Great training aid for teaching the putting stroke.
    Keeps putter face square to the arc.
    Attaches to the heel of the putter.
    Perfect for all ages and skill levels.
    Teaches you the secrets of an 'ARC' like stroke.
    See and Feel the Right Putting Stroke.
    Fits virtually all putters with adhesive tape or a rubber band.